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Completed Projects

Research Area: Technology development
In Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya, clean water is sold, but residents often don’t know in advance where to buy it or how much it costs. Therefore, the time expenditure for finding and fetching clean water can be substantial. M-Maji aims to leverage the power of mobile technology to bypass traditional barriers to clean water – specifically information barriers.
Research Area: Human health & medicine, Sanitation & wastewater
During the first two years of life, children born in low-income countries are at risk for enteric infections due to poor water quality, sanitation conditions, and caregiver handwashing practices (WASH).
Research Area: Sanitation & wastewater
This project used multi-scale modeling of health behavior choices and integrated theoretical frameworks and methodologies from behavioral sciences, epidemiology, and microeconomics to better understand behavior change processes related to water, sanitation, hygiene and health.
